About Us

About Us

We are aware of the growing shortage of affordable housing in the nation, which in key locations like New York, has reached crisis levels.  This is the issue we hope to address with our affordable community building endeavors. At present, our focus area is New York, where we are getting development buildings in the pipeline in several locations. However, we do propose to expand our reach and take our affordable building and supportive housing along with community facilities development services to other cities in the future.

To support us in these endeavors, we have by our side (and looking) several reputed non- profit partners as well as socially conscious individuals and companies that are keen to invest in community development plans alongside their regular business activities. These associations help us leverage market best skills and materials to develop affordable communities that set standards in this niche area of the construction industry.

We are committed to creating building designs that are highly practical and aligned to the needs of the prospective residents with their varied needs, income levels and special requirements not matter which stage of life they belong to. These are not buildings but homes and the care and effort that goes into these developments will also impact the quality of life of the residents. This is something we always keep at the forefront when we initiate a new project.

Another priority for us is to ensure that the communities we develop blend in seamlessly with the neighborhood, enhancing it and adding value to it in the best way possible. Each of our projects is designed with the overall aesthetics of the locality, its predominant styling and elevation in view. As a responsible business, we also take care that our projects are designed to be environment friendly, that the materials we use are safe for the residents, the society and the ecology. In line with this objective we create sustainable designs for our housing projects that allow the residents to maintain lifestyles that leave a minimal carbon footprint.

Our Mission

Affordable housing is a top priority item on NY Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administrative agenda and at Urbany Community Development, our mission is to build sustainable, self contained affordable communities that address this need. We take our responsibility as the stewards of NY neighborhoods very seriously and this keeps us focused on developing housing projects that strike the perfect balance between affordability, quality, aesthetic appeal and practical design. Making sure that all our projects are designed to leave the smallest carbon footprint with environment friendly features integrated wherever possible is another area where we give special attention.

Urbany Community Development orchestrates private, non-for-profit and public funding resources to develop affordable and supportive housing for low income families, veterans, seniors and people with disabilities. We fully realize the massive impact that housing has on the society, the community as well as on the lives of the families and individuals who will call it their home. Keeping this in mind, we reiterate our commitment to using only the highest quality materials, developing designs that enhance the aesthetic appearance of the neighborhood while integrating seamlessly with existing buildings. We also ensure that our homes are built keeping in mind the specific needs of the variety of people for whom they are intended.

Building affordable communities that help the residents take their rightful place in society- that is what Urbany Community Development is all about!